
Is it edible?


Many oyster mushrooms are, but unless you grew them from a box you know are safe, I would steer clear.


The planet belongs to the fungi, they are just letting us live on it. For now.


shitty landlords ruin the reputation of all landlords.


Using shitty and landlord in the same sentence is redundant.

Fuck those parasites.


When I was in high school my family slept on a single mattress in the living room. For some reason I don’t remember, the water from the half bath next to the living room would leak out into the living room, and so the wall separating the living room and half bath would get colonies of mushrooms growing out of the baseboard. Those mushrooms weren’t as exotic as these, tho. I don’t recommend sleeping next to things that give off spores.


Is this early stages of Caelid?


I wonder if they would stall the growth of normal mold, like if they have to compete for the same resources or something.


They can, since they literally are competing for the same resources.


You should google allelopathy. In addition to competition this is something plants use (and some fungi) to win out.


I don’t know why but mushrooms growing on things like carpet/flooring really scares me for some reason 😂 😱


Me too - for me because things like my floor are meant to be durable, and seeing it being destroyed so easily just by some spores flying around discomfits me.


Bleach your whole house then seal it with flex seal. It’s the only way to be safe.


Fungus can consume nearly anything organic, but it has to be damp. Even “dry rot” is only dry when you see it, it was once wet for the mycelium to spread through it.

I grew up in a wet climate where we feared mold and fungus, now I live in a dry one where we run humidifiers. You won’t ever see mildew or black mold here without a constant moisture source.


I’m so glad my house is inorganic from the ground up to the roof timber. Yes, wet spots would nourish mold, but the concrete and the bricks themselves wouldn’t be much affected by it. Or termites! Imagine having a house that could be rendered unusable by an overlooked insect problem. I just don’t like the idea.


Eh, they’ll just cut them back, plaster over the holes and rent it to the next victim.


I should grow hen of the woods (maitake) all over my house. I could make a fortune at the eastern market, and have relatively clean mushrooms every night of the week. My cats might lick 'em.


Hen Of The Woods and Oyster Mushrooms are friggin’ tasty. That being said, you have to make CERTAIN what you’re eating, or you will fuck up your everything.


This is just mushrooms in general. There are tons of copycat species that look nearly identical, like false morels, which will kill you.


how long until we see this pop up on a billionaire mindset youtube video?

short on cash? try growing mushrooms in your walls


My wife just bought me a pack that’s oyster mushroom growing kit. Now I’m scared


Are you at least vaguely responsible? You should be fine, grow a way man!


They got an oyster mushroom growing kit, not a way man growing kit, silly.


Enjoy the grow, nothing to be worried about. You should try to pick them before they start dropping spores, but it’s not a big deal if they drop spores.


Have fun welcoming Ork Boyz to your house


This is unlikely to happen unless you are neglecting your home maintenance - the mushrooms are probably the least of these folks worries.


Now that’s goblincore af


DO grow Golden Teachers. Just ask uncle Ben for help.


You just need to be positive.


I mean, that’s an advice I’ll happily follow


Dude being here, eating for free while having reasons to lower rent. Genius.

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